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This Week Has It Going On

For some time, astrologers have been worried about the conjunction of transiting Mars and Uranus in Taurus. Since Mars is the god of war and Uranus brings sudden, unexpected events, the potential for a sudden, violent event seemed pretty ripe. The Mars/Uranus conjunction is approaching Algol, a fixed star that is part of the legend about cutting off the head of Medusa. Also means cutting off the head or cutting off the head honcho. To top it of, the Moon is in the sign Scorpio, a passionate and sometimes controlling sign.

On Saturday, with the Mars/Uranus conjunction atop Donald Trump's Midheaven (public, career), and challenging his natal Mars in the house of "hidden enemies"an assassination attempt took place at a Pennsylvania rally, clipping him on the ear.

And condolences to the spectator who was killed and the others who were critically wounded. Political violence has no place in democracy.

Trump also has a rather lucky aspect in that 10th house - Jupiter in Gemini atop his natal Uranus in Gemini. It may have saved him. It may also mean that this martyrdome could play in his favor politically....eventually.

The same Mars/Uranus transit affects President Biden's Sun by opposition. I was not sure how to read this as, like him, I am a Scorpio, with his combination opposite Sun. I have found it to be liberating. I was not sure how it might affect him.

We are not done with difficult aspects during this election year. Pluto, Neptune and Saturn are all moving in retrograde motion - so we are going over the same old issues. On September 1, Pluto will re-enter the 29th degree of Capricorn. Neptune is at 29 degrees Pisces at that time. 29 degrees is a critical degree - the culmination of the whole sign that has gone before it. Neptune in Pisces fuels the conspiracy fantasies, 29 degrees of Capricorn will surface more racism, misogyny, income inequallity, etc. And at that time, Uranus, the surprise and disruption agent, will be trine the US Pluto. A few days after transiting Pluto conjuncted the country's natal Pluto, the invasion of Ukraine began. So we get to see what effect Uranus will have. Frankly, I am not sure how it will play out, but I am sure we have seen this movie before - and it may be worse as we reach that 29th degree.

Monday's exact conjunction of Mars, God of War, and Uranus. God of Lightning Bolts, inTaurus, sign of the earth, may feature violence or a violent earth event. Hopefully not. Things don't always happen when planets reach exactitude ...Trump's assassination attempt was a couple of days before exact. I'm really interested to see what, if any, the events bring. If you have personal planets near 26 degrees, particularly in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio of Aquarius, you may find Monday's planetary events have meaning for you. Maybe the fireworks are over. We get to find out. And please let me know if you DO find anything happens!

So don't be fearful or in despair. Just be like a Boy Scout and be prepared. Brace yourself.



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