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The Week of August 19 Is Another Doozie!!

During a summer of newsworthy events, prepare to add one more:  The Full Moon on August 19..  We are poised at a moment of tremendous change - do we hold onto the past or go boldly into the future?

On Monday, August 19, the Sun at 27 degrees Leo (Executive Branch) will exactly oppose the Full Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius (the people).  Uranus (unexpected, future oriented) squares (challenges) both the Sun and Moon, and is the ruler of the Moon’s sign, Aquarius.  This is shattering energy, not incremental change.  The glass ceiling for women in leadership is shattering.  The future is calling, and there is no going back.  Just a month before, also on a full Moon, with Uranus opposing his Sun, President Biden stepped down.  This month’s Full Moon will be an equally impactful one, too.

The day marks the opening of the Democratic National Convention.  The Sun is conjunct the Moon of the United States Sibley chart. The President (transiting Sun) aligned with the will of the people (US Moon)  in  stepping down from running for a second term on the July 21 Full Moon. This month’s Full Moon will be an equally impactful one, too.

The Moon reflects the will of the people.  Perhaps more importantly, the Moon is a female planet.  Women and women’s issues are going to be the critical factor in bringing the MAGA Christian Nationalist movement to heel.  And, of course, we have a female to head the Democratic ticket.  

Kamala Harris has a Full Moon aspect in her natal chart, also at 27 degrees:  her Aries Moon (Pioneer)  is opposite her Sun in Libra (Fairness). And her Saturn in Aquarius (Law)  is conjunct the Full Moon; her Mars (Will)  is conjunct the transiting Leo Sun (in this case, Biden - Executive Leader).  Her alignment with the Full Moon activates her potential and underscores her importance as a Law and Order Female Candidate.

Also in the sky:  Jupiter in Gemini will reach the first of three squares to Saturn in Pisces. This reflects the tension inherent in bringing reality (Saturn) to the Neptune (delusion, disinformation) that has permeated Pisces (fantasy).  Jupiter in Gemini offers us an opportunity to grow, to be generous and to find opportunity by calling out fantasies for what they are.  The Harris/Walz ticket is calling MAGA allies out for being weird, a tactic Trump has used extensively - Sleepy Joe, Crooked Hillary, Crazy Nancy, Coco Chow, Lyin Ted, Ron deSanctimonious, Pocahontas, Gavin Newscum, etc.  Now, of course, JD Vance has said he feels bullied by being called “Weird”.  This dichotomy, truth vs fiction, is a motif for the US Chart for the year July 4, 2024 - 2025.

Also in the sky:  a tight t-square involving Venus ( a female figure - Venus rules Harris’ Moon) in Virgo (service)  opposite Saturn in Pisces (ideals of the law), both being squared by Mars and Jupiter (Advocacy & Opportunity) in Gemini (Communication).  She and Mr. Walz will speak out on how equality before the law is a service to the people of this country.  

Mercury is retrograde in Virgo until August 29 (the Mercury retrograde shadow continues until September 12).  While there are often technical glitches during a retrograde, retrogrades also bring us a new perspective on old issues. Mercury was in this territory in July and August, 2023.  Issues prominent then will be prominent now.  More importantly, perhaps, is that Virgo offers discernment. Certainly, discernment is needed to differentiate truth from fiction in a period where policy differences between political opponents takes a back seat to personal attacks.

The need for discernment is further borne out if we look at the Solar Return Chart for the United States from July 4, 2024 to July, 2025.  The biggest feature is an exact square (tension) between Jupiter in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces.  Both planets are at the critical 29th degree - a degree of chaos and crisis as the planets prepare to enter another sign.  Virgo creates tension with both these planets, providing the discernment to differentiate truth (Jupiter) from fiction(Pisces).

 Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius during the convention, but it will backtrack into Capricorn on September 2.  Aquarius is a sign of democracy and the will of the people. Trump came to power in the Capricorn era when racism, homophobia, misogyny resurfaced so they can be dealt with.  As Pluto rolls backward to the critical 29th degree of Capricorn in September, we can expect to see more of the Trump Greatest Hits.  We have seen it already, but there will be greater intensity as the Democrats connect more with policies popular with the people. 

Looking at the movement of the planets and applying the hermetic rule of As Above, So Below, I do think the momentum has shifted toward the new, the Aquarian side of life.  However, the opposition to this future oriented direction will not quietly go away.  If the Right cannot win by fair means, there will be foul repercussions.  The head of the Heritage Foundation, author of Project 2025 said “there will be a bloodless coup IF the left does not oppose it.”  

The Left is opposing it, and opposition is highly popular. It looks to me as though the end of August through September 5 is a very troubled and reactionary period.  Old issues will be re-surfacing.  And as strongly as one side reaches for a new and freer future, another side will be pulling for the erasure of democracy and establishment of Christian Nationalism.  I believe I know who will win the popular vote, but there will be people who are holding on with white knuckled intensity to a vision that preserves their status quo.

I’ve written this from a political perspective, but we are all under one sky.  The momentum of moving forward into a future that releases old structures is acute for us on a personal level, too, particularly for those born in late Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Taurus or for those who have late degree planets in those signs as well as those with mid-sign planets in Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius.

Want to know how this will affect you personally?  Please get in touch for a personal reading.



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