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March & April: Amazing Sequence of Events

In looking ahead, I am struck, not only by the potential impact of upcoming celestial events, but also the sequence and sheer number of events coming to a crescendo in late March through April this spring. Here is the chronology:

Now - Eclipse season has begun! Eclipses are not rare. We usually have four or more each year. The "season" starts a little before the first eclipse and lasts a little after the final eclipse. Eclipses often herald a "before" and "after" moment, when realizations change. Impossible ideas are suddenly the norm.

March 23 - Mars, God of War, moves into the sometimes confusing, otherworldly and compassionate sign of Pisces. Misguided actions may limit the benefits of having this action oriented planet enter a sign of agape love. Especially since this sets Mars up for a rendezvous with Saturn in Pisces on April 8-13, right around the time of the April 8 eclipse. Saturn can ground Piscean energy, but it can limit or restrict it, too, in the name of pragmatism.

March 25 - a penumbral lunar eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra. The full Moon in Aries is like a normal full moon, but one on steroids. Lunar eclipses have us examine our inner emotional landscape. This one, in the sign of Libra, will call for review of existing relationships. If things are shaky, you may feel the cycle of a relationship has run its course. Conversely, you may find a real breakthrough with someone and begin a cycle. Beginning and endings often occur at this time. Even though the nodes of the Moon are pretty far from the eclipse point, the south node of the moon - something you'd like to heal or have a reboot, may also call you to a review your behavior and your partner's behavior. Those with low degree Libra planets will be affected, as well as low degree Capricorn, Aries and Cancer planets.

Also on March 25 -This eclipse has a relationship to the eclipse last October 14, when the moon was new in Libra. It was just days after the October 7 attack by Hamas in Israel. So we may see some movement in the conflict. Sweet Venus rules Libra and is in a good relationship with Jupiter (good luck) in Taurus. Perhaps we will see humanitarian aid or a cease fire in Gaza, but the overall picture for civilians Gaza is pretty harsh.

April 1- Mercury in Aries stops its forward motion and goes retrograde until it stations to turn around and go direct again on April 25. Its' path will travel over transiting Chiron in Aries and the North Node in Aries. We will be going over some old ground where our actions may have betrayed us, and we will have the opportunity to observe this and change our patterns so that our wounds can heal. To do so, we will need to speak out and speak up. And because of the North Node, our feet, collectively and personally, are set on a new path.

April 6 - Venus, ruler of the South Node and the ruler of the Moon's Eclipse point on March 25, also enters Aries. Around April 20, Mercury Retrograde (prior decisions), Venus (relationships, allies), Chiron (a wounded pattern that must be observed to be healed) and the North Node of the Moon (path of the Future) will ALL be near the same degree of Aries (Assertion, Identity).

April 8 - Total Solar eclipse at 19 Aries - visible over the United States, Texas to Maine. The last time we had a total solar eclipse visible in America was in 2017 when Trump was President. The effect of an eclipse may take place months or years after the eclipse. Solar events were often used by the ancients to see a change in leadership. Old regimes fall, new ones begin. Again, Venus, Chiron, Mars, and the Nodes are all going to join the Aries party during the month, so that is a LOT of Aries energy. We may see some bold steps forward, because we are ready to see them.

April 20 - Jupiter and Uranus, both in Taurus, will meld together as though they were one. This conjunction is not rare, it happens about once every 14 years. But it is a dynamic and significant event. Many paradigm shifts and bold, brave new beginnings have been launched under this conjunction. The Wright Brothers had their first flight, Charles Lindbergh took his solo trip around the World under a subsequent Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction and, later, man reached the moon. Freud launched his psychological theory, Faraday figured out how to use electricity, the Salk polio vaccine was approved, and Bill Haley launched Rock n Roll with Rock Around the Clock - all under a conjunction of these planets. Darwin's theories were published, too. Let's hope that we will have a technological breakthrough about nature and climate change, reflecting the sign Taurus. The fact that Uranus is ruler of Aquarius, and that is the sign Pluto is transiting, is underscoring and intensifying everything.

Ongoing Through October, 2024 - we are at solar maximum, which means sunspots and solar flare are active. If you look back through history, increased solar activity corresponds to a high level of fateful activity here on earth. Take my word for it!

Spring is sprung. Change is in the air. Ready for a paradigm shift, to kiss the past goodbye? It seems to be ripe for happening. As human beings, we may fear change, but it can be a good and necessary thing. Lt's see what comes, shall we?



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