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Hello, Aquarius!

Incredibly, we are already in the second sign of 2025, Aquarius.  Is it just me or does time seem to speed up when Trump is President…every day it is like living 100 days!  So many headlines!

On Wednesday, January 29, just after sunrise, we have our first new moon at 9 degrees Aquarius. Do you know where you have Aquarius in your personal birth chart?  The New Moon lights up that sector with energy.  The New Moon is a seed time. If you want to start a project, it is a good thing to seed that effort on the vitality  of the New Moon.  

The last New Moon in Aquarius was on February 10, 2024.  At that time, Jupiter (the guide to new opportunities) was in the earthy sign Taurus.  The green energy movement got momentum at the New Moon, reaching a peak in August, 2024.  Now, Jupiter is in Gemini, another air sign aligned with ideas, and the ideas generated are going to have a different flavor.  We will see progress most clearly on projects begun under Wednesday’s New Moon at the  time of the Aquarian full Moon on August 9, 2025.

 Aquarius is an air sign, future focused and technologically savvy.  Airborne things, like air travel, or even the passage of viruses through the air are Aquarian. So is new tech like AI, bitcoin currency, green energy. Air travel, airborne particles like the smoke residue in California or airborne viruses are also Aquarian. Alien contact is also Aquarian - and I don’t mean alien as the immigration service defines it.  Any or all of those topics could be in the news during an Aquarian time.  

Right after the New Moon, Uranus, currently retrograde (moving backward) in Taurus, will station (stand still) in preparation for turning around to resume direct motion on January 31. The month goes out with a bang in other words. Uranus, God of Thunder, Lightning Bolts and Earthquakes, rules Aquarius, and we are in an Aquarian time. The station and operating during Aquarius makes Uranus more powerful. Uranus is revolutionary and unexpected. Watch for a little more chaos, especially if you have a planet affected by its position at 23 degrees Aquarius.

While Uranus was retrograde, a temporary truce halted the Gaza war on January 19. Now that Uranus is moving in direct motion, it will pass the point where the truce was called on February 10 - 12. Watch to see if this date is important. Incidentally, Uranus is at 23 degrees Aquarius, where it was in October, 2023 and the Hamas raid into Israel occurred. 

If you don’t know where Aquarius falls in your chart or what planets are affected by it, send me a message.  I can help.



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