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Full Moon in Aries, October 17

We will have a (fourth in a row) Super Moon early tomorrow, about 6:26 CDT. Known as the Hunter Moon, we will have a Full Moon in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra. If you began a project about 6 months on the Aries New Moon, about April 9, 2024, this is a natural time to either complete the project or assess your progress.

The Sun and Moon are in complementary signs - Aries (Fire) and Libra (Air). There are others - Taurus (Earth) and Scorpio (Water); Gemini (Air) and Sagittarius (Fire); Cancer (Water) and Capricorn (Earth); Leo (Fire) and Aquarius (Air); Virgo (Earth) and Pisces (Water). These signs complete each other. Each one has something the other one has. Their elements fall along Earth and Water or Fire and Air combinations. It is no accident that these elements complement each other in our physical world, too. Earth & Water = Fertility of a Garden; Fire & Air = action produced by an idea!

Aries represents the principle of "I am" and Libra, the principle of "We are". Aries, Mars ruled, is the God of War; Libra, Venus-ruled, loves peace and beauty. If Aries over-asserts itself, aggression results and a little Libra peace would be welcome! If Libra is too polite to keep the peace, a little Aries assertiveness puts polite white lies to bed. Each sign, taken to its extreme, needs the balance of its opposite sign to be complete.

Under this Full Moon at 24 degrees Aries opposite the Sun at 24 degrees Libra, is there a conversation you need to have? Do you want to clear the air of any little white lies? Or is one of you too aggressive/assertive and need to calm down and relax? If you have planets near 24 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you might find this impacts you more personally than some other Full Moons might, Also in the line of fire are very early degrees of the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

Aries can fire up Libra to act: Libra can say we need to find some balance so both our needs are taken into account.



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