Coming on April 20, 2024 - The Jupiter - Uranus Conjunction: Are You Ready for a Breakthrough?
As far as I know, no one was Raptured during the eclipse! So, hello! No sooner than the eclipse triggered a feeling that it is time to release nonproductive habits and partnerships and charge forward into our changing identity - and during a Mercury retrograde that challenges old responses - now we are facing another big astrological event ! Are we ready for a big, bold breakthrough, not only as individuals, but in global society?
I am describing the union of Jupiter and Uranus as these giants meet in the sky above us on April 20, 2024. What might it mean for the globe, our culture, us personally? Big questions!
Join me for a free webinar on Sunday, April 14, 2024, rom 2 to 4 pm as I present "The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction: Are You Ready For a Breakthrough?" The webinar is free, just send me your email address and I'll hook you up!