Astrology for Sunday, January 24
The Moon is Gemini, very close to the north node in Gemini. The north node in Gemini, to me, is very much about the science of the vaccine - a vision for the future based on the science and logic of not only Moon in Gemini, but reinforced by Saturn/Sun/Jupiter/Pallas Athene/Mercury in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus.
The square between Moon/north node in Gemini and south node in Gemini AND Ceres/Neptune in Pisces speak to the difficulty of getting the product of that scientific breakthrough into arms all over the world. The Moon/North Node in Gemini is inconjunct Venus/Pluto. Progress toward the vision is frustratingly slow. But the process to get there is transparent - Mercury in Aquarius is trining (flowing easily) to the Moon/North Node.
The Sun and Saturn in Aquarius are very close, showing that it may be hard work, but the leader is not going to abandon goals.
On another note, we have a Senate impeachment trial starting Monday. We have Uranus/Mars in Taurus - the old guard - squaring off with the planets in Aquarius. With Uranus in Taurus, the splits in the Republican party will be more obvious. And with Pluto/Venus in Capricorn sextiling Neptune/Ceres, we will see secrets (we've already seen many) exposed. The aspects won't move too far from Sunday to Monday.