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Astrology for Monday, Labor Day, September 6: New Moon in Virgo

It is pretty sweet to have the energy of the new Moon in Virgo on the same day as a holiday! A chart for the new moon has a big trine, or harmonious aspect, between the Pluto inCapricorn, Uranus in Taurus and Sun, Moon and Mars Virgo. They speak a cohesive language, rooted in groundedness, that benefits us in a very useful way!

New Moon energy in Virgo means we are growing, setting out on new projects that we hope will benefit us. With Mars conjunct the Sun and Moon, plans are put into action. We may be asking ourselves how we can be of use to make life better for those we love. Virgo seeks improvement - especially for the next 14 days - then, on the Pisces Full Moon of September 20, just how far we have progressed can be assessed.

As much as Virgo likes self improvement, they also like to helpfully point out how others can improve, too! This sometimes gets Virgo in trouble when they are, after all, just trying to help!

There is a lot of promise, with that trine in place, of a very pleasant holiday. Expect some wild card events with Uranus in Taurus in the mix! Uranus also supports trade unions, so with a trine from Pluto in Capricorn there could be some positive reinforcement from the powers that be in support of everyday men and women.

The only fly in the ointment - and it is a big fly - is that caution must be exercised to stay safe in the pandemic. Mars is in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. Neptune has a lot to do with the pandemic and infections; Mars in Virgo are actions and everyday lifestyle. Make sure not to get carried away with actions that bring out the worst of the pandemics. This opposition also speaks to the work of our Virgo health care workers and the congestion in Piscean hospitals. Our health care workers are tired. Be kind and balance caution and action!



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