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A New Perspective...Pluto Goes Retrograde October 12

Scientists may have demoted Pluto to a dwarf planet, but any astrologer will tell you that personal planets inthe path of the God of the underworld are in for the wildest of rides. Pluto is at the very last gasp of its stay in Capricorn.

Pluto will be in direct motion after October 12, and will have freer reign as it moves slowly from the 29th degree of Capricorn into Aquarius, the sign of democracy, on November 19, 2024. There it will stay, marking a new collective awareness. Futuristic technology and equality for all will bear the Aquarian stamp.

But before we get there, Pluto will be exposing what has been hidden into the light. One example that sticks in my mind is we now know that Trump, at a time when Americans were dying by the thousands of Covid, shipped a cutting edge and hard to get treatment machine to Vladimir Putin. Instead of being primarily concerned with the people he represented, he chose to help a dictator that his party has historically opposed.

The last time Pluto was at 29 degrees Capricorn, poised to enter Aquarius, was in the winter at Valley Forge, 1977-1978, in the Revolutionary War. It was a low point, but it did not presage defeat of the Revolution. Just as it will now, Pluto moved forward into the sign Aquarius, the sign of democracy and equality, leaving the old hierarchy behind.

Capricorn is very hierarchical. We have see have's and have nots. The Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street happened during Pluto in Capricorn. So did the Covid pandemic and corporate greedflation. This last gasp of Pluto in Capricorn is a reaction to the white-knuckled grip on power those on the top have - and how far they will go to keep it. However, despite their efforts, by 2032 - just 8 years from now - there will be a demographic shift. People of color and women will comprise the majority of the working class. The days of domination by white men are numbered.

Until then, and probably as a reaction to Pluto entering Aquarius, we will see efforts at control that I believe will ultimately fall short of their intent. As Neptune, also at 29 degrees, in Pisces, fuels conspiracy theories and Uranus in Taurus continues to radicalize conservatives, both underpinning (sextile) Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn, prepare to have the firehose of misinformation and outrageous lies continue on, and perhaps through, the election.

As always, do not allows yourself to become numb in this onslaught. Continue to parse truth from fiction. Do not give in to fear. It lowers your vibration, which is not good for you or the planet. Meditate on the best and allow the Universe to make room for new and better things.



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