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A Grand Earth Trine and a Kite Dominate the Week and the VP Debate

Tuesday is the day of the one and only Vice Presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz. And there are some really interesting aspects going on in the sky. We will have two Grand Trines, one of which is part of a fortunate aspect, the Kite. Let's break it down:

There is a Grand Water Trine (harmonious flow) between Venus in Scorpio (women with intense focus on regenerative ability), Mars in Cancer (action on home, family) and Saturn in Pisces (grounding imagination and fights of fancy into actionable territory).

Trine 2 is a Grand Trine in Earth (practicality) involving Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn (revealing hidden power issues involving haves and have nots), Uranus in Taurus ( the radicalism of former conservatives and the Moon in Virgo (woman born to serve).

At the heart of the Kite is an opposition between the Moon (women) and Neptune (Inspiration or gaslighting and confusion). The point of the Kite i a three sided aspect that joins all the Outer Planets - Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. These planets are societal planets that set the collective zeitgeist. We have the last gasp of Pluto in Capricorn (where it has been during the Trump years and the pandemic), Uranus in Taurus (the radicalization of the conservatives) and Neptune in Pisces. Neptune has been in the sign of Pisces during the growth of conspiracy theories.

Walz's Pluto/Uranus in Virgo (transformative future to benefit others) will conjunct Vance's first house Mercury in Virgo. Vance's 29 degree Pluto in Libra (transformation) in his 3rd house of communication is square (tension, friction) to Walz's 29 degree Jupiter in Aries (expansion and opportunity). And to top it off, transiting Pluto is at 29 degrees of Capricorn right now. 29 degrees is a crisis point - everything is extreme.

Aries, Libra and Capricorn are Cardinal signs, so it will be interesting to watch. Walz's Sun in Aries (identity) is conjunct (fused) with Vance's Eris (unexpressed rage). I am no fortune teller, so I am just noting there is a LOT of energy flowing on debate night. And if were a betting woman, I'd bet that women are going to the crucial pivot in this election.


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