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Astrology of Friday, September 4

The moon has moved into fiery, action oriented Aries. Right now the moon is very close to the wounded centaur, Chiron. It is as though someone has stepped on a vulnerable old pattern of wounding. The question is, because Aries likes to act, what will you do about it? Who do you want to be now? Reviewing the wounds of the past, or shadow territory is Chiron. Deciding who you want to be in this moment is more Aries.

The Mystic Rectangle is still in the sky, as is a grand trine in earth signs. Since we all have free will to make what we want of the stars (although we can't stop the movement of the planets), some very different scenarios are being described.

In one, you struggle to find practical ways to exert and transform powerful institutions so that they can better serve both your personal needs and the changing circumstances of our planet (Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus trine Jupiter in Capricorn).

In another, you may find inspiration in idealism and communicate the facts that support your point of view (Mercury in Virgo oppose Neptune in Pisces). The same set of planets can suggest, at the lower end of the pool, following conspiracy theories down the rabbit hole and broadcasting them as truth.

Women may feel they lack opportunity to make their their needs felt in powerful institutions (Venus in Cancer oppose Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn) and are further diminished by not having their voices heard (Eris and Mars in Aries opposing Juno in Libra). They are angry about it, too! As I write this, I cannot help but think of the voices of Black Women going unheard while they ask that the fascist forces confronting them undergo transformation.

The point is, depending on the context of your life and the choices you have made, the stars have a number of themes. How you play them out says a lot about you. Who shall you be today?

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