Astrology of Wednesday, September 2
Happy Pisces Full Moon! The Moon was exactly full in the wee hours this morning. Pisces is a dreamy, creative, feeling oriented sign that often can sense the emotional temperature around it. In fact, it may have been hard to let go of the night to get up this morning. Pisces doesn't know just how they know, except they just feel it.
With the Moon close on the heels of Neptune in Pisces, opposite Mercury, it would be easy to be deluded today as Neptune is not always what it appears to be.
Under the light of a full moon, it is easy to see or sense things. Juno, Goddess of hearth and home is slugging it out with Eris, in Aries, a discontented Goddess, who feels voiceless. And Venus, a planet of relationship, is opposite Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn, harnessing what is normally light and pleasurable into taking on heavy burdens, changing what is necessary - well, someone has to do it!
If your relationship needs some work to bring it into alignment with current reality, it is a good day to do it. You can see problems clearly with Virgo's discriminating eye, and you are ready to take on the task.