Out of the Eclipse Season and Into Conflict in the Middle
Last months eclipse cycle is over, but the effects will linger until the next eclipse season begins in April, 2024, at least. Hamas’...

Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus: Time To Go Green?
While the stars don’t dictate any course of action, wisdom is written in them. An old saying is “As Above (stars), So Below (Earth). If...

Astrology for the week of 10/30/23
Where have you simply grown bored with your life? How do you balance a need for freedom with a need for deep connectedness? Where are...

Eclipse Season and Full Moon on October 28: Israel & Palestine
Most years, there are two eclipse seasons: a Solar and Lunar Eclipse about two weeks apart are followed by a Solar and Lunar Eclipse six...

Pluto Resumes Direct Movement As the New Moon and Solar Eclipse About To Happen
If you are expecting dire predictions of the future - or, indeed, any predictions, you won't find them here. You can barely turn on the...

A New Moon and A Solar Eclipse on October 14
On Saturday, the Moon will be new in Libra, lining up with the Sun in Libra to kick off the next month of the Moon’s monthly cycle. A...

Astrology and Barbie
I can’t believe it, but I have been thinking a lot about Barbie. Not the doll. About the connection to Venus, the planet of romantic...

Astrology for the Week of September 11
The week begins with a beautiful and fortunate kite shape in the sky, uniting the sun in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus and...

Venus, Oh Venus!
Venus went direct on September 3 after 40 days in retrograde motion. The Goddess of Love and Beauty still occupies the romantic sign Leo...

Astrology for the Week of August 28
We have a veritable retrograde parade of planets that are in retrograde, or apparent backward, motion. Mercury is retrograde. Venus is...