March & April: Amazing Sequence of Events
In looking ahead, I am struck, not only by the potential impact of upcoming celestial events, but also the sequence and sheer number of...

Who Shall I Be?
The United States is having an identity crisis. Chiron, the wounded healer, is transiting the sign of Aries. Aries defines what we...

Year of the Dragon, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day & Lent
This week marks a lot - Chinese New Year (aptly named Year of the Dragon, I think), Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, Ash Wednesday and the...

A New Moon, Direct Planets and a Battle for Control
The Sun and Moon will meet in Aquarius on Friday, February 9, to form the Aquarian New Moon. The New Moon heralds a growth cycle. ...

Long Term Changes Ahead
Last weekend, Pluto moved into the sign of Aquarius. This means a big change in the mood of the culture. Since 2008, ushering in the...

Happy New Year!
Our New Year has begun with a bang, and the rest of the month promises to be a humdinger, too! Mercury, planet of communication, went...

December 26 - Full Moon in Cancer
Tonight, December 26, will see a Full Moon in Cancer opposite the Capricorn Sun. Capricorn has many dimensions, but one of them is - ...

Happy Winter Solstice!
Very soon now, the Sun enters the sign Capricorn for the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. (I got married on the longest...

Next Week: Sagittarius New Moon & Mercury Goes Retrograde
On Tuesday, December 12, the energy of Moon and Sun will be fused in the sign of Sagittarius -New Moon in Sagittarius. New Moons are a...

November 28: Full Moon in Gemini
The Moon is full and bright in the sign Gemini, and that is good. It is good to see things clearly when the Moon is in such a lively and...