Hello, Gemini!
The Sun is making its yearly trek through Gemini. The Sun will be in Gemini for the next thirty days, but Jupiter, soon to follow suit...
Change Is In the Air This Spring
So much has happened astrologically, in quick succession - the eclipses, Solar and Lunar, Mercury Retrograde in Aries, the exact meeting...
Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus Form a Metaplanet Today,
Once every 14 years, Jupiter catches up to Uranus for an exact conjunction, forming a metaplanet, if you will. The conjunction is at 21...
Coming on April 20, 2024 - The Jupiter - Uranus Conjunction: Are You Ready for a Breakthrough?
A As far as I know, no one was Raptured during the eclipse! So, hello! No sooner than the eclipse triggered a feeling that it is time...
Mercury Goes Retrograde on April 2
Mercury is about to start its backward journey (retrograde motion) at 27 degrees Aries. This will be the year’s first retrograde, but...
Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse, March 25, 2024
Eclipse season has arrived with a Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon at 5 Libra. Eclipse season begins a couple of weeks before the...
March & April: Amazing Sequence of Events
In looking ahead, I am struck, not only by the potential impact of upcoming celestial events, but also the sequence and sheer number of...
Who Shall I Be?
The United States is having an identity crisis. Chiron, the wounded healer, is transiting the sign of Aries. Aries defines what we...
Year of the Dragon, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day & Lent
This week marks a lot - Chinese New Year (aptly named Year of the Dragon, I think), Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, Ash Wednesday and the...
A New Moon, Direct Planets and a Battle for Control
The Sun and Moon will meet in Aquarius on Friday, February 9, to form the Aquarian New Moon. The New Moon heralds a growth cycle. ...