Astrology of Wednesday, May 20
You may feel impulsive and that you need to do something out of the ordinary. The Moon is conjunct unpredictable Uranus in Taurus today. ...
Astrology of Tuesday, May 19
Emotions (Moon in Aries) and logic (sun in Taurus) are out of sync today. Restlessness continues, a counterforce to the isolation we've...
Astrology of Monday, May 18
Chafing against restrictions of isolation is a feature today (Venus/Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces), the day that many...
Astrology of Sunday, May 17
With the nodes of the Moon, symbolic of our spiritual lesson fpr the next 18.5 years, having shifted in Gemini North Node/Sagittarius...
Astrology of Saturday, May 16
Last week was full of retrogrades - energy turning within and retreading ground previously gone over. Pluto was already retrograde, then...
On-Line Classes Forming
You can get a lot of great, free information on the web, but you know what you can't get by this cookbook approach? A sense of the whole...
Readings on Sale!
You can get a lot of great, free information on the web, but you know what you can't get by this cookbook approach? A sense of the whole...
Astrology of Friday, May 15
A lot is going on astrologically. The week of retrogrades means Pluto, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter have gone inward in their action and...
Astrology of Thursday, May 14
The planet Jupiter, a herald of expansion and opportunity, is standing stationary, lumbering around (it is big!), and going backward...
Astrology of Wednesday, May 13
This is a week of retrogrades - or planets apparently going over old ground they've traveled before. They will go direct again...